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The Fighter's Membership

An online program & platform that arms you with education and provides you the tools to live your best life, helping you fight for what matters most in your life.


Get your Fight Club Membership today!

Take up the fight today!


The Fighter's Membership is our exclusive online Fight Club Program & Community. The Membership will grant you 12-months access to the full Fight Club program via a simple to use, easily accessible online platform. You will be armed with all the Fight Club tools and resources to help you live a balanced life, of which you are in control, while helping you thrive in both your personal life and professional career

It doesn’t matter what your current situation is, or where you find yourself in life, we can help you to discover the best version of Yourself!

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12 Month Inclusions

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Best Me Program

The 'Best Me' program encourages men to Stop. Reflect & Adjust. This 15-week program will take you on a journey of self-discovery to help you identify the things you want to fight for in your life. Empowering you with the tools to go after it and thrive in life.

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Fighter’s Tools

Here you will find a range of tools to help you on along your journey of life. From time management through to ideas and tips on how to invest in your partner, your children and yourself. The Fighter’s Tool box is your one stop shop to help you be the best you can be.

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Fighter’s Library

In the Fighter's Library, we have curated a range of short books, eBooks & longer reads to help men gain powerful knowledge & information to help them succeed in all areas of life. From running your business to being a first-time dad and everything in between. There is something for Everyone.


Reflection & Mindfulness

It’s easy to say we must take time in reflection but how do we actually do it? This program will help you unlock a happier, more successful life with the most powerful, scientifically-proven exercises from positive psychology. Slow down and take the time to think about your life. Find your way to Stop. Reflect. Adjust.

Fighter’s Membership Benefits

There are 101 reasons why you should become a Fight Club Member, for time sake, here are three

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Self-Discovery Journey

15-week program of self-discovery; This is your journey, an opportunity to take the tools that you think will enable you to be the best you can be. No cookie cutter one size fits all – discover your best.

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24/7 Program Access

Fully online for those on the go or in remote locations. At the palm of your hand is this 15-week program along with an extensive library of tools and resources. It is accessible 24/7 and to use for 365 days of the year. It can be completed at anytime and anywhere you find comfortable.


Simple but powerful

The simplicity of the program is its strength. Providing men an opportunity to Stop & Reflect and Adjust to become who you really want to be. All with well measured, precise coaching via our online platform.


Start Fighting NOW!

It doesn’t matter what your current situation is, or where you find yourself in life, we help you to be proactive, don’t wait to overcome your hurdles, act now in order to discover the best version of YOU. Our individual programs will help you work through challenges, set goals, keep you accountable and support you to make the necessary adjustments to live a healthy, balanced life.

12 Month Membership Now Only $97


Best Me Program Outline

Click on the + below to view the weekly topic in the Best Me Program.

Welcome to the Fight: Why Fight Club?

Encouraging men that this is their journey, their story and their life. It’s time to read, think, reflect, talk and learn…it’s time to be the best you can be.

Week 1: BFC Journey

Discover and reflect on your journey to date. What has made you the person you are today? You have a choice to make, let it control you or do you take control?

Week 2: Stop! Reflect

Discover the power behind journaling, giving men an opportunity to stop, reflect and adjust, to track their personal journey. Inspiring men to take time each day to empty their worries, stress and celebrate their wins along the way.

Week 3: The 5 P’s

Introducing the 5 P's (Personal, Partner, Parent, Profession, Play). Stimulating men to have an honest reflection on how they are truly going via the Fighter's Ring.

Week 4: Fight for You

What do you do each day to invest in yourself, both mentally & physically? Exposing men to the reality of the stats, it’s time to change the way we do things.

Week 5: Partner

How to be the man your partner needs you to be. (Or how to be the partner you want to be). Invest in this relationship and reflect.

Week 6: Parent

How to fight for your children, be a dad and be present. (If you're not a father, what type of father do you want to be or who do you have an influence over?) Invest and reflect.

Week 7: Winning in the Workplace

We've all heard of work-life balance, but how do we live a life of control? Educating men to take control of their time and be purposeful.

Week 8: Make time for Fun

It’s time to bring the fun back into your life. What fills up your personal fuel tank? Invest in yourself.

Week 9: Redefining Success

We want you to define your own success and stop playing the comparison game.

Week 10: The Pursuit of Happiness

What is happiness? Where are you looking for it? We encourage you to start looking in the right places.

Week 11: Fight through the Pain

What do you turn to in times of stress? Are you making the right choices? Is it good for you or is there a better alternative?

Week 12: Building a Strong Support Network

Who is in your corner, your sparring partners? How to have an open and honest conversation with your support network.

Week 13: The Power of a Mentor

Create your own 'Personal Boardroom'. Surround yourself with those who can help you with each of the 5 P's.

Week 14: The Power of Generosity

Identify the benefits of helping others. Create your personal 'give back' action plan.

Week 15: Learning to say No

We often say yes at our own expense. It's time to learn to say no, control your time and limit the stress of trying to please others all of the time.


Never stop fighting, it may be the end of your program but it’s the beginning of your fight.

Let's Talk!


Contact us today to see how we can best help you and your organisation.


